Monday, May 9, 2022

My TD10 clean up session

Today I completed TD10 with Professor Wu. He helped me cleaned up my blog page comments and update the background. He also help me update some of my email rules and check my A5 slide show presentation assignments to make sure they are downloaded to the right folder. He went over the A6 Spreadsheet Analysis with Trailer and A7 mail merge assignment. I was not too happy about the results. He explained OLE which I am sure I still do not quite understand. He also showed me how get the link to the websites reference show up as a link, which can be clicked on to go to the web page intended. This is the step by step details.

First highlight the web address, then clicked on the link symbol at the top of the page where the tools are, then click the pen icon which is the edit link, select advance, then check the box next to open link in a new window, then click apply. I surely would not have figure this out on my own. I also figure if I can explain it, I get it. so, I still can't explain OLE, I understand it a little better how the professor explained it, but I can not explain it if I were to tell someone how it works. That is something I will have to work on, I guess. 


  1. Thank you sharing your TD10 session experience as a blog post to give your classmates a glimpse into what to expect ^_^

    Well said about "if I can explain it, I get it." :-)

    I will walkthrough Object Linking & Embedding (OLE) in our final class session this Saturday after everyone has taken Bonus Quiz 14, which OLE definitely plays a part!

  2. I will be having TD10 tomorrow. Sounds interesting.

  3. TD10 will be interesting. I've tried really hard to keep everything on my computer and in my inbox structured and neat...I'm hoping that pays off later this week.

    If I've kept everything straight, hopefully, there won't be too much reorganizing to do there.

  4. Not sure if I will have time to get around to doing mine.

  5. I still have to set a time for my TD10, I totally spaced on it.

  6. I don't even see TD10 on my dash haha. I'm trying to catch up still.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I haven't set a time for my TD10, and I am not sure I will get to. I have been busy every evening this week.

  9. I will be doing my TD10 this week. Sounds a little challenging.

  10. I've been so busy this week with finals that I didn't even realize there was a TD10.

  11. Hopefully I can figure out how to do TD10. Sounds a bit challenging
