Monday, April 18, 2022

Easter tradition in Jamaica

Lately I have been missing home, I haven't gone since the pandemic and I truly miss it. Easter was coming up soon.  So I went to the Jamaican store to buy some Easter bun and cheese. Because traditionally in Jamaica at Easter time we eat Easter bun and cheese, fried fish, make rice and red bean with steam fish and watched the crucifix all day on television. The Jamaican store I usually get it at, didn't have any. I was so disappointed, so I vented to my daughter. She went to the same store about a week later and they were closed, on a day they should be open, I know this because of their hours of operations posted on the door. "Makes no sense to me". I was over it but not my child.

Her and her husband went and found a Jamaican store all the way on East Flamingo Road. It was a little mom and pop eatery,  that also have a groceries section.  So they ate their and were able to get Jamaican bun and cheese, ackee, salted fish and yams. I was able to have a traditional Jamaican food I haven't had in years,  for a moment it felt like home and that makes my day. Ackee looks like scrambled eggs when it's cooked but it's delicious with salted fish. It was canned ackee of course but delicious anyway. These are pictures I found online because I didn't think to take pictures, and I didn't planned to write a blog about it either. I figured why not I can't think of anything else to write about anyway.


  1. Glad your daughter and her husband found another Jamaican store :-)

    Having a traditional food that you haven't had in years is a wonderful reminder of home ^_^

    I never had Jamaican food before and will check out ackee.

  2. The food you described sounds like food my mom would really like because she likes fish a lot.

  3. I had friends from Jamaica when I was in college...the food was amazing.

  4. Aww man, all that food looks so delicious! I've never tried authentic or traditional Jamaican food, but I'm definitely trying some of that Ackee, it just looks too delicious lol.

  5. Such a lovely thing for your daughter to do, going the extra mile because she knew it meant a lot to you.

  6. That was really sweet of her to take you out when you were feeling homesick.

  7. Oh, I can relate. Those are some of my favorite foods.

  8. I'm glad your daughter didn't give up! I bet the smile on your face was worth it!

  9. The Easter Bun looks good. I would need to try it at some point.

  10. Jamaican food looks super good! I love exploring new cuisines and flavors, so ill definitely have to add this to my list!

  11. There was a food truck in Germany that often sold Jerk on base and it was really popular.
