Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Concatenating in Excel 5.6.5

Concatenate is a cool feature. I have to admit, when I first saw this feature I felt like wow!, this is a lot to remember, but once I got it down I'm loving it, this is great.

I know now, how to add a whole string of text together with this function, that cuts the typing time in half. This is awesome, to be able to combine contents from different cells together into a single cell. I also learned how to Concat first and last names without having to type the whole thing, and how to add emails in with the text. This feature is so cool.  You can even use the '&' symbol as a shortcut to Concat a string of items together into the same cell.

I have learned how to add space, comma, and period, into the data by putting it in quotations. Quotation in an Excel function, let the computer know it is working with text. I am in awe about these new functions, not just Concat but a few others. Excel is pretty cool, I wish I knew all these functions years ago. I love all the new features I am learning about Microsoft Excel.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

3D Model 4.7.4

3D model is the topic I find very fascinating. I have learned that models are made of points and 3D space which can connected by lines, curves, and geometric shapes, then a process is added called textured mapping to give it a realistic look.  The fact that an image can be inserted into a document page, rotated and viewed from many different angles, and be formatted to look so real is awesome. And to be able to zoom it as far as possible and the image won't get pixelated is even better.

I remember shopping online and seeing 3D images of products and thought how awesome, and wondered how do they get it to move around like that. I never knew I would have first hand knowledge of how it's done. Computer programming is awesome. I am learning a lot in IS101 and LabSim.

Friday, March 11, 2022


Why am I taking IS101?

First I enrolled into IS101 because it was one of the few classes that wasn't online. I wasn't sure what to expect in this class when I selected it. Then I quickly realized, this will be a challenge since I really didn't know anything about computers. I needed this class more than I was willing to admit. I struggled desperately to keep up with the curriculums. I will repeat if I have to but I won't give up.

What are my proudest moments?

My proudest moment so far was when I pass the MOS exam. I am excited to learn about excel since I perform tasks in excel at work and don't know much. I will always be grateful that I took this class. The tips, tricks and lessons I've learned will stay with me forever.