Friday, March 11, 2022


Why am I taking IS101?

First I enrolled into IS101 because it was one of the few classes that wasn't online. I wasn't sure what to expect in this class when I selected it. Then I quickly realized, this will be a challenge since I really didn't know anything about computers. I needed this class more than I was willing to admit. I struggled desperately to keep up with the curriculums. I will repeat if I have to but I won't give up.

What are my proudest moments?

My proudest moment so far was when I pass the MOS exam. I am excited to learn about excel since I perform tasks in excel at work and don't know much. I will always be grateful that I took this class. The tips, tricks and lessons I've learned will stay with me forever.


  1. I am glad you chose an in-person class instead of an online one and you didn't run away when adjusting coming back to higher education after years of absence ^_^

    Well done on passing the MO-100 certification exam to earn your Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certificate in Word! You will have more proud moments in the semester.

    I am proud and happy to have you in IS101-3010, Spring 2022 :-)

  2. I shared this had been five or six years since I took a class, and there was real trepidation on my part, since I'm a bit older, in regards to being able to adapt to the post-pandemic college environment.

    Passing that first MOS exam is satisfying. Being your first, going in, you're not entirely sure what to expect.


  3. Congratulations on passing your exam. Keep going and you going to pass this class.

  4. "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." -Edward Hickson

  5. This class is the most engaging and difficult class I have in terms of assignments and such. My other courses are very straight forward like reading and quizzing or practicing and testing.

  6. I strive to have your attitude of not giving up! Sometimes I feel that I easily give up, but recently I didn't give up on a class I thought I was going to fail and I ended up passing!

  7. When I signed up for this class I did some research on and I read that students who previously took the class online, struggled a lot. It was recommended to take the class in person because of the workload.

  8. Not giving up is a tremendously commendable trait! Let's all stay strong and finish with our head high.

  9. Congratulations! I hope you do well on the next task, which is passing the Excel exam.

  10. Congratulations on passing! Wishing you more success in this class.

  11. Congrats on passing! You deserve every A you get!
