Thursday, February 17, 2022

Printers 2.1.9

Normally when I buy a printer, I usually go for the best price and then if it has the scan, copy, and fax features, that's a plus. I always wondered what is the difference between inkjet printers and laser printers, and why is one so much more expensive than the other. After watching LabSim video 2.1.9 on Printers. I don't have to wonder anymore. The breaks down of the differences, the advantages and disadvantages, between the two, is very fascinating.

It is interesting to learn that Inkjet printers spray small dots of ink from an ink reservoir onto a sheet of paper. The Inkjet printers are not that expensive and produces good quality print jobs. But the replacement ink cartridges are expensive and don't print that many pages, also the ink tends to fade overtime.

As for the Laser printer, who would of thought toners are tiny plastic particles, fixed to a page by electrical charges and heat, that's genius. The Laser printer has some advantages over the inkjet printers, such as the print output is better. It can print faster and handle more print jobs. Toner is less expensive than ink,  the print job doesn't fade overtime and toner doesn't bleed into the paper. But laser printers are more expensive to initially purchase and more complex to maintain. These are feature I really don't think about when buying a printer but it good to know. Maybe next time I will get a laser printer instead.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Online academic research 1.5.5

I knew it was very important to evaluate and fact check everything found online, especially if I am doing a research paper. But then I watched the video from LabSim on 'online academic research' which breaks down the different sources and how to use them. I find this very informative.

I learned that academic sources are usually written and published by people who are experts in that field. These publications are then reviewed and validated by experts of their peers in the same field. Consumer level sources tend to be less reliable because they are not written, or peer reviewed by other scholars.

I also learned that academic sources can be divided into categories primary and secondary sources. primary sources include things like original speeches, laws, and poems. Secondary sources are articles or books that reviewed, described, and analyzed primary sources. Then there are tertiary sources which are more like bibliography abstracts and references from the primary sources.

LabSim even introduced Google Scholar. I have never heard of Google Scholar until now. In Google Scholar you can modify your search by date range, or a specific phrase. You can also refine your search by selecting the advanced search options. I learned it is less hassle to use an online database like Google Scholar because you can be confident the content is reliable and accurate verses if you find the information through regular search engine. Thanks to IS101 this information will be very helpful for future research.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Driving on the wrong side of the road

Jamaica was once ruled by the British, they got their independence on August 6th, 1962. Even though Jamaica got their independence they kept some of the British traditions, like driving on the left side of the road. I never drive in Jamaica; I take the cab or the bus, almost all the locals do. I came to the US in 1999 and noticed only a questionable few take the bus, everyone drives. So, it felt very lonesome walking, and waiting for the bus seems to take hours depending on when you get to the bus stop. 

Even though I never drive in Jamaica, I still had to reconditioned my brain to stay on the right side of the road during the learning possess. It felt unnatural at first driving on the right side of the road. Now when I go to Jamaica, I can't help but press my imaginary brakes when someone else is driving, because it looks like they are about to drive in oncoming traffic.

I was so excited to finally get my driver's license, and have the independence to go where I want, when I want. Then I quickly realized I need a GPS device because I am always getting lost. When I got lost, I forgot the rules of the road. I couldn't understand why it freaked me out so badly. Maybe because the U.S. is such a big place, I fear I might end up in a different State. I am doing better now. Now I drive like a professional. 

I drove in Jamaica once, but my sister tells me how to turn. Most of the time I am following someone.  I will not drive by myself because I would have difficulty turning. Turning is very tricky. Also, their traffic mileage is in meters and gas is measured in liters, very different from when I lived there.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Culture shock about food in a foreign land

Growing up all three meals were cooked, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so most times the meals were heavy. This ensured we stayed full until the next meal. Home cooked meals are passed down from generations. So, imagine my surprise when I moved to another country and realized that donuts, coffee cakes, cereal and other kinds of pastries are considered breakfast. Not to mention home cooked meals like pizza, hamburgers, and macaroni and cheese, to mention a few.

Rice is a main part of every meal and meat is cooked to produce what is called gravy in my culture. Gravy is resulted from stewing the meat and adding a lot of water and spices then let it simmer to a thick paste. Then there are yam, green banana, and dasheen, these are starchy roots, except for the banana, these roots are dugged out of the ground, peeled and cooked. These starchy roots sometimes substitute for rice.

Living in a foreign country with a different culture where food is concerned has proven to be quite difficult. In order to get what I consider real food; I have to find an Asian or Hispanic restaurant because these meals are somewhat similar to what I am use to. Even grocery shopping is hard because I can't find the traditional food I want. Sometimes I can get a few things at the international markets.

Now looking back, my mother must have done it that way for a reason. Maybe because there were many of us siblings. Whatever the reason was, it has a lasting effect, because now I am not a fan of fast food. I especially won't eat it for dinner.